Developing for Tilt Five Natively

If you want to use the Tilt Five system at the lowest level, where your application is directly providing output that is displayed on the Glasses, streaming IR camera frames from the Glasses, and handling input event streams from Wands, use the NDK.

Your application (or plug-in, or Android App) can use the NDK’s C or C++ interfaces to become a client to the Tilt Five Service, reserve Glasses, and directly access the Glasses and the Wands attached to them. The Tilt Five NDK provides support for driving multiple Glasses on a local computer.

Using the NDK requires implementing low-level graphics API calls to render imagery into textures for each eye, using one of the supported graphics APIs on your host platform.

The Basis for Other Integrations

Other higher-level graphics engines use the NDK to bridge the engine to the Tilt Five system. Notably, the Godot open-source game engine has implementations for Godot 3 and Godot 4. It is possible to integrate with nearly any 3D application that can provide rendered texture frames for the Glasses, perhaps as a preview or editing mode to a CAD modeler, 3D printing slicer, or to visualize data in real-time 3D.

Online Documentation

Using the NDK is documented in the Native SDK Docs including information on getting started on the supported platforms.

Beta Status

The NDK has been marked a beta release because its C and C++ API is currently unstable; a minor revision may potentially break backwards compatibility. This should not discourage using the NDK; despite being “beta” it is still supported by Tilt Five and changes made to the API have not historically been difficult to adopt.