The NDK currently supports the following graphics APIs. A graphics API type must be provided to tiltfive::Glasses::reserve() (C++) or t5Reserve() (C).
The below table shows the possible types as well as the meaning of the T5_ConnInfo::graphicsContext parameter that is also specified in the associated reserve call.
Graphics API | Meaning | Context | Texture Handle |
kT5_GraphicsApi_None | No graphics API - frames will not be sent to the glasses | null (Not used) | null (Not used) |
kT5_GraphicsApi_GL | OpenGL | T5_GraphicsContextGL* | The name of a texture object that can be bound to the GL_TEXTURE_2D or GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY target. |
kT5_GraphicsApi_D3D11 | Direct3D 11 (Windows Only) | ID3D11Device* | A pointer to an ID3D11Texture2D object. |
kT5_GraphicsApi_Vulkan | Vulkan | T5_GraphicsContextVulkan* | A pointer to an VkImage or VkImageView object handle. |
.This list is not final - additional graphics APIs may be added. Further documentation about graphics APIs will appear here.