Developing for Tilt Five Using Godot Engine

If you want to use the Tilt Five system with Godot, there is an official extension for Godot 4.1 and a prior version for Godot 3 which targets Tilt Five 1.3 level SDK/Driver support and has fewer features.

The extensions implement Godot’s ARVRinterface and have a GDNative class called TiltFiveManager for scripts to connect glasses and handle connection events.

There is an early introduction video made by one of the developers.

Getting Support

Since this integration is provided by an open source community project, Tilt Five may not be able to provide direct support for the details of using this integration. You may find help and resources in the Godot Engine community or from other Tilt Five developers on our Discord Community.

About Tilt Five and Open Source Integrations

Tilt Five has provided test equipment (Tilt Five systems) and development troubleshooting resources to various projects but does not directly manage or direct their work or prescribe API directions.

Tilt five is supportive of this and other integrations using our Native SDK for game engines, visualization, and other uses, open source or otherwise. Contact us if you are developing or want to develop an integration using Tilt Five’s NDK.