The NDK is currently in beta - things may change without warning, and your code may break. Stay tuned for updates, but until then, Beware Dragons. |
The Tilt Five™ native development kit (NDK) enables development of content for the Tilt Five™ platform.
Ensure you're using the latest development tools by visiting https://www.tiltfive.com/developers.
The samples
directory in the NDK download contains three trivial clients exercising a range of functions of the NDK. The two files sample.c and sample.cpp
use the C and C++ interface respectively. They have been tested with GCC 11.2.0, clang 13.0.0-2, and MSVC 19.30.30705, built as follows:
gcc -std=c11 sample.c -I .. ../lib/linux/x86_64/libTiltFiveNative.so
g++ -std=c++11 sample.cpp -I .. ../lib/linux/x86_64/libTiltFiveNative.so -latomic
clang -std=c11 sample.c -I .. ../lib/linux/x86_64/libTiltFiveNative.so
clang++ -std=c++11 sample.cpp -I .. ../lib/linux/x86_64/libTiltFiveNative.so -latomic
cl /std:c11 sample.c /MD /I .. ..\lib\win\x86_64\TiltFiveNative.dll.if.lib
cl /std:c++14 sample.cpp /MD /EHsc /I .. ..\lib\win\x86_64\TiltFiveNative.dll.if.lib
We aim to provide backward compatibility between NDK versions and driver versions, but we do not provide forward compatibility. In practice, this means:
The T5_ERROR_SERVICE_INCOMPATIBLE (C) and tiltfive::Error::kServiceIncompatible
(C++) errors indicate the latter condition if returned from the system-wide functions. Ensure that you check these return values because the NDK functions will not work with an incompatible driver package.
Developer Relations | devrel@tiltfive.com |
Careers | jobs@tiltfive.com |
Press Relations | press@tiltfive.com |
Visit the Tilt Five website for the latest news and downloads: https://tiltfive.com
Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Tilt Five, Inc.