A guide to setting up post processing in Unity

In the Tilt Five Manager’s Wand tab, the Primary Wand field points at a GameObject representing the Wand pose. This GameObject’s Transform will be driven by the TiltFiveManager, with behavior largely similar to the behavior of the head pose camera.

This GameObject’s forward vector represents the direction that the wand tip is pointing, while its up vector corresponds to the vector perpendicular to the wand’s face (parallel to the direction of the joystick in its resting position).

Since the Tilt Five Wand has an ambidextrous form factor and thus lacks the “handedness” typical of other XR controllers, a wand is considered either Primary or Secondary. The primary wand is held in the user’s dominant hand, while the secondary wand is held in the user’s non-dominant hand. For example, a right-handed user’s right wand would be their primary wand. It is possible to swap the two wands by calling TiltFive.Input.SwapWandHandedness().

In this release, Wand Tracking is in an early state, so there are some limitations to be aware of.

  • The wand is currently tracked visually, with accelerometer/gyro assistance coming later on. Since the tracking LEDs are collinear, this means that “twisting” motions along the wand’s long axis are not yet tracked.
  • Visual tracking for the wand pose has a sample rate of 30Hz.
  • Support for the secondary wand is not complete/tested, so it is best to use the primary wand for now.
Tags: design