Tilt Five™ Unity API  1.4.1
NativePlugin.cs File Reference

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class  TiltFive.NativePlugin
struct  TiltFive.T5_Bool
 Represents a boolean value.
struct  TiltFive.T5_Position
 Represents a three dimensional position.
struct  TiltFive.T5_Rotation
 Represents a quaternion rotation.
struct  TiltFive.GlassesHandle
struct  TiltFive.T5_GlassesPose
 Headset pose information to be retrieved with NativePlugin.GetGlassesPose(ref T5_GlassesPose)
struct  TiltFive.T5_CamImage
 Represents a wrapper on a buffer comtaining a camera image. More...
struct  TiltFive.T5_CameraStreamConfig
 Camera Stream Configuration. More...
struct  TiltFive.T5_ControllerState
 Contains wand related information (Pose, Buttons, Trigger, Stick, Battery)
struct  TiltFive.T5_ControllerState.Joystick
struct  TiltFive.T5_ControllerState.Buttons
struct  TiltFive.T5_VCI
 Represents the image rectangle in the normalized (z=1) image space of the virtual cameras
struct  TiltFive.T5_FrameInfo
 Render information to be used with NativePlugin.QueueStereoImages(T5_FrameInfo)
struct  TiltFive.T5_StringUTF8
 Represents a string value.
struct  TiltFive.T5_GameboardSize
 Physical dimensions of a gameboard, in meters. More...


namespace  TiltFive


enum class  TiltFive.ServiceCompatibility : Int32 { TiltFive.Incompatible = 0 , TiltFive.Compatible = 1 , TiltFive.Unknown = 2 }
 Whether the running service is compatible. More...
enum class  TiltFive.PlayerIndex {
  TiltFive.None = 0 , TiltFive.One = 1 , TiltFive.Two = 2 , TiltFive.Three = 3 ,
  TiltFive.Four = 4
 The Player index (e.g. Player One, Player Two, etc) More...
enum class  TiltFive.ControllerIndex : Int32 { TiltFive.Right = 0 , TiltFive.Left = 1 , TiltFive.Primary = -1 , TiltFive.Secondary = -2 }
 Since wands are all physically identical (they have no "handedness"), it doesn't make sense to address them using "left" or "right". Instead we use hand dominance, and allow applications to swap the dominant and offhand wand according to the user's preference. More...
enum class  TiltFive.GameboardType : Int32 { TiltFive.GameboardType_None = 1 , TiltFive.GameboardType_LE = 2 , TiltFive.GameboardType_XE = 3 , TiltFive.GameboardType_XE_Raised = 4 }
 The type of Gameboard being tracked by the glasses More...
enum class  TiltFive.ControllerPosition : Int32 { TiltFive.Grip = 0 , TiltFive.Fingertips = 1 , TiltFive.Aim = 2 }
 Points of interest along the wand controller, such as the handle position or wand tip. More...
enum class  TiltFive.T5_Hand : byte { TiltFive.Unknown = 0 , TiltFive.Left = 1 , TiltFive.Right = 2 }
 Reported wand hand More...